Amcharts5 – Change Bullet Radius After Chart is Loaded: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Amcharts5 – Change Bullet Radius After Chart is Loaded: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with fixed bullet radii in your Amcharts5 charts? Do you want to add an extra layer of customization to your data visualization? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to change the bullet radius after the chart is loaded, giving you the flexibility to adapt to different data sets and design requirements.

Understanding the Basics of Amcharts5 Bullets

Before we dive into the process of changing the bullet radius, let’s cover the basics of Amcharts5 bullets. Bullets are used to represent data points in a chart, and their appearance can greatly impact the overall visual appeal of your visualization.

Bullet Types in Amcharts5

Amcharts5 offers several bullet types, each with its unique characteristics and uses. The most common bullet types include:

  • Circle: A classic circular bullet, ideal for most data visualization needs.
  • Square: A square-shaped bullet, often used for categorical data.
  • Triangle: A triangular bullet, commonly used for directional data.
  • Custom: A user-defined bullet shape, allowing for limitless customization possibilities.

Why Change the Bullet Radius?

So, why would you want to change the bullet radius after the chart is loaded? Here are a few scenarios where this might be necessary:

  1. Data-driven design: Your chart’s data is dynamic, and the bullet radius needs to adapt to changing values or categories.
  2. Customization for better visualization: You want to emphasize certain data points or categories by increasing or decreasing their bullet radius.
  3. Responsiveness: Your chart needs to be responsive, and the bullet radius needs to adjust based on the screen size or device.

Step-by-Step Guide to Changing the Bullet Radius

Now that we’ve covered the basics and scenarios, let’s get to the good stuff! Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to change the bullet radius after the chart is loaded:

Step 1: Create a Basic Amcharts5 Chart

First, let’s create a basic Amcharts5 chart with some sample data:

// Create the chart
const chart = am5.Chart(ROOT_ELEMENT_ID, {
  type: 'line',
 dataProvider: [
      category: 'Jan',
      value: 10
      category: 'Feb',
      value: 20
      category: 'Mar',
      value: 15
  categoryAxis: {
    renderer: am5.AxisRenderer.XY
  valueAxis: {
    renderer: am5.AxisRenderer.Y
  series: [{
    type: 'LineSeries',
    dataFields: {
      categoryX: 'category',
      valueY: 'value'
    bullets: [{
      type: am5.Bullet.Circle

// Load the chart
chart.container.children.push(, {
  centerY: am5.p50,
  x: am5.p50,
  xtype: 'horizontal'

Step 2: Get the Bullet Element

Next, we need to get a reference to the bullet element. We can do this by using the `getBullet()` method on the `series` object:

const bullet = chart.series.get(0).bullets.get(0);

Step 3: Change the Bullet Radius

Now that we have the bullet element, we can modify its radius using the `setRadius()` method. Let’s set the radius to 10:


Step 4: Update the Chart

Finally, we need to update the chart to reflect the changed bullet radius. We can do this by calling the `invalidateData()` method on the `chart` object:


Troubleshooting and Tips

Here are some common issues you might encounter when changing the bullet radius, along with some tips to help you troubleshoot:

Issue Solution/Tips
Bullet radius not updating Make sure to call invalidateData() on the chart object after changing the bullet radius.
Bullet radius not applying to all data points Verify that you’re selecting the correct bullet element using the getBullet() method. Also, ensure that the radius is set before the chart is loaded.
Bullet radius affecting other chart elements Use the setRadius() method on the specific bullet element to avoid affecting other chart elements.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the process of changing the bullet radius after the chart is loaded in Amcharts5. By following these steps and tips, you’ll be able to add an extra layer of customization to your data visualization, making it more engaging and effective.

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility! Use your newfound knowledge wisely and create stunning charts that tell a story.

What’s Next?

Now that you’ve mastered changing the bullet radius, why not explore other customization options in Amcharts5? Some potential topics to explore include:

  • Changing the bullet fill color or pattern
  • Adding custom bullet shapes or images
  • Creating animations and transitions for bullet radius changes

The possibilities are endless, and with Amcharts5, the sky’s the limit!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on how to master Amcharts5 and make those bullets shimmer!

How can I change the bullet radius after the chart is loaded in Amcharts5?

You can use the ` bullets.template.setAll` method to change the bullet radius after the chart is loaded. For example: `chart.series.values[0].bullets.template.setAll({ radius: 10 });`. This will change the radius of all bullets in the first series to 10 pixels.

What if I want to change the bullet radius of a specific series only?

No problem! You can access the specific series by its index or id and then apply the changes. For instance: `chart.series.getSeriesById(“mySeries”).bullets.template.setAll({ radius: 15 });`. This will change the bullet radius of the series with the id “mySeries” to 15 pixels.

Can I change the bullet radius using a function?

Absolutely! You can create a function that takes the bullet as an argument and returns the new radius value. For example: `function updateBulletRadius(bullet) { return bullet.dataContext.value > 10 ? 12 : 8; }` and then apply it using `chart.series.values[0].bullets.template.setAll({ radius: updateBulletRadius });`. This will change the bullet radius based on the data value.

What if I want to change the bullet radius on hover?

Easy peasy! You can use the `bullet.adapter.add` method to create a hover adapter. For example: `chart.series.values[0].bullets.adapter.add(‘radius’, function(bullet) { return = 15; });`. This will change the bullet radius to 15 pixels when hovered over.

Can I change the bullet radius using an external event?

You bet! You can listen to an external event, such as a button click, and then update the bullet radius using the `chart.series.values[0].bullets.template.setAll` method. For example: `document.getElementById(“myButton”).addEventListener(“click”, function() { chart.series.values[0].bullets.template.setAll({ radius: 20 }); });`. This will change the bullet radius to 20 pixels when the button is clicked.

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